We are often asked to add Sunflower-Corn blends to our catalog. You can imagine that finding high quality, locally grown Pesticide Free cracked corn for our blends was not easy. USDA Organic corn is produced without pesticides and is non-GMO which keeps our Pesticide Free/No Neonicotinoid Insecticide pledge to you and your backyard birds. Luckily, we have the best USDA Organic growers in our area.
Why locally grown USDA Organic corn that is cracked and not whole kernels? Most songbirds cannot eat whole kernels and certainly not the big kernels from a modern hybrid ear of corn. We clean our cracked kernels to ensure you have the highest quality with no weed seeds and less fine dust.
But what blend of sunflower and corn should we use? We didn't know, so we decided to ask YOU, our customer! I made a video this afternoon to show you what different blend ratios look like. It was a pretty Leap Day and you can hear birds and wind chimes in the background.
To say “Thank You!” to everyone who participates, please use the coupon code SunCornSurvey2020 for 10% off at our Online Store (https://www.prairiemelodybirdseed.com/online-store) . Leave your choice of percent Sunflower and Corn in the comments section or drop us an email at info@prairiemelodybirdseed.com with "Survey" in the subject line. Your choice may become part of our product catalog! We will choose one person at random for a free bag of our Sunflower-Corn blend birdseed.
Thank you for your help and thank you for supporting the mission of Prairie Melody™ birdseed. Every backyard makes a difference!